School Meals
Our catering provider is Dolce schools catering, please click here to view their website.
Our kitchen staff provide a varied range of healthy food, cooked on the premises daily. A vegetarian option, salad and bread is available daily.
Please click here for the menu.
From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in a state-funded school are offered a free healthy school lunch (Universal Infant Free School Meal).
Children not requiring school meals may bring their own packed lunches. We strongly encourage parents to provide a healthy packed lunch e.g. fruit, sugar free drinks, cereals.
If you wish to change your child’s lunch time arrangements from a packed lunch to a school lunch or vice versa, please inform school in writing so that we can process the change. Ideally two weeks’ notice is required for ordering purposes.
Free School Meals
Key Stage 2 children are eligible for a free school lunch if one of their parents is receiving any of the following welfare benefits:
- Income Support
- Income based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit.
- Universal Credit
Registering for free meals could raise extra funding for your child’s school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities. It is therefore, important to sign up for free school meals, even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, so that your child’s school receives as much funding as possible.
We appreciate that for some families household income may be an issue at the moment. We want to ensure that all our parents & carers are aware of the availability of free school meals to those who are eligible.
Please click here to apply for free school meals.
Dinner Money
Dinner money is payable in advance through the School Grid system.
Please click here for more information about paying for dinners.
Please note that no change will be issued on dinner money; anything paid over will be credited to the next week.
Lunch Time Supervision
Across school we have a staggered lunch break between the hours of 11:45am and 13:15 pm.
The children are supervised by our team of Midday Assistants and Sports Coaches. Children from Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6) are also appointed as ‘Play Leaders’ to provide lunch time games and activities for the younger children.
There is at least one qualified first aider on each yard at all times and any incidents/accidents at lunch times are recorded on individual first aid sheets and reported to the class teachers at the end of lunch time.
Any child who bumps their head will receive a bumped head letter and a courtesy call made to a parent to inform them.
Privacy Policy - Dolce
Please click here to access the Privacy Policy from the school catering provider Dolce.