Dane Bank Primary School

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Our school was inspected in January 2024. This was an ungraded inspection which means that our overall effectiveness grading could not be changed. There are four possible outcomes from this type of inspection.

We are thrilled and proud to share that we have been awarded Outcome 2, which is defined as follows:

The school was previously judged Good and it remains so, and there is sufficient evidence of improved performance to suggest that it might have been judged Outstanding if it had received a graded inspection instead of an ungraded inspection.”

This was the best possible outcome we could have receieved from this type of inspection and we are delighted that it confirms how the Senior Leadership had evaluated our school pre-inspection.

Please click the link below to read the full inspection report:

Ofsted Inspection Report – January 2024

Some of the key information from the report included:

“…the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now….”

Pupils at Dane Bank Primary School embody their vision to ‘dream it, believe it and achieve it together’…”

Pupils, and children in the early years, are happy and they flourish in their learning and development.”

Pupils consistently meet or exceed the high expectations that the school sets for their achievement.”

Pupils behave notably well, regardless of supervision. They are attentive in lessons and they work hard without any disruption.”

Pupils treat their classmates and adults with thoughtfulness, care and consideration.

“Pupils delight in the array of enrichment activities that the school offers…”

“The school has designed a seamless curriculum, rooted in what it wants pupils to know and remember.”

“…teachers are expertly equipped to design activities that enable pupils to learn the intended curriculum. Pupils thrive academically across all of the subjects that they study…”

Teachers are experts in reshaping their teaching to address any gaps in pupils’ knowledge.”

Pupils are friendly and well-mannered and behave extremely well. There is a calm feeling around the school.”


For further information regarding school performance please click on the link below: 

Department of Education School Performance

For OFSTED parent view, please click on the below link:

OFSTED parent view

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC)

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC) Trust is a values-led Cooperative Multi-Academy Trust of four diverse primary schools in the North-West of England. Our core principle is that 'Together We Make The Difference' and our aim is to share our passion for education and learning, developing schools that make learning irresistible. We are committed to working in collaboration to improve outcomes for children. Our schools are unique and individual places where the curriculum and quality of education are tailored to the needs of the community.

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