Year 1

 What’s happening this term? 


In Spring 2 our books are: Dogger by Shirley Hughes, Oi Frog by Kes Grey and Please Mr Panda by Steven Antony. Becoming immersed in the story books, the children are learning to empathise with characters, make predictions, sequence events, re-tell and innovate the stories. The children are working to extend their range of sentences by using exclamation and question marks. 


Across the school we have adopted a scheme of work called ‘White Rose Maths’. If you would like more information on White Rose Maths please visit https://whiterosemaths.comOver spring 2, we will be looking to secure the children’s knowledge of addition and subtraction within 20. Children will learn a range of methods to become confident in applying their skills to equations. 

Wider Curriculum

At Dane Bank Primary School, we teach our Geography, History and Science lessons around a learning question for either each half term or term. Through this question we also link other areas of the curriculum e.g. music, art/design. 

Science: Our learning question for this term is: ‘What materials will we need to make a spaceship?’ We will be exploring what objects are made from, and investigating the properties of these materials. 

History:  Our learning question is: ‘Are iPads more fun than toys from the past?’ We will be comparing modern toys with toys from the past (those in living memory and those beyond living memory). We will be exploring how toys and their technology have changed over time and how the materials they are made from have changed too. In Design, we will be designing and making our own toy from the past in the form of a peg doll; the children are very excited to make a start on their creations! 

Year 1 Virtual Library

Please follow the link below to take you to the Year 1 Virtual Library. Here you will find all the books that the children will learn about in their English lessons as well as a link to be able to listen to the story at home. 




Recent News


Year 1 Geography and Science

Year 1 Geography and Science

This week, the children have been learning about the United Kingdom in Geography. They used an atlas to label the countries of the United Kingdom and they learnt about the culture of each country. In Science, we were learning about the weather. The children presented...

Year 1 Christmas Party

Year 1 Christmas Party

Year 1 had lots of fun at their Christmas Party. We danced, played games, and ate lots a delicious party food. There were lots of prizes for the winners of our games and for the best dancer. We can't wait for our next class party!